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There are plenty of destinations for weekend getaways in Victoria if you’re a couple, but sometimes couples want an experience that’s extra special.

Your special occasion may be an anniversary, perhaps you want to pop the question with style, or maybe you just want some luxury seclusion and the right romantic atmosphere to ignite sparks. Whatever the circumstances, it’s important that the ambience is just right. Here are some ideas for creating sexy and romantic weekend getaways that you and your partner have dreamed about.

Romantic Proposal

So you’ve decided to propose. There are thousands of wild and creative ways to do it – from a sky writing aeroplane to a treasure hunt or covering yourself in chocolate (yes it’s been done!). One of the most popular ways is to propose while on holiday or during a romantic getaway. You’re generally more relaxed on holiday and, depending on the environment, the natural beauty and ambience of a unique holiday destination enhances romance and seduction.

You don’t need to be concered with having to create a Bollywood event. Couples have been getting engaged for years, so if you can think of it, it’s probably been done before. If you’re worried about originality, don’t. Anything you do as a couple will always be original because there’s nobody like you and your partner. What’s more important is that you enjoy it. Romantic ideas that express your personality and the personality of you as a couple are the best. These are more likely to really touch her or his heart.


Privacy and seclusion are essential for romance and something that many couples get very little of. That’s why romantic weekend getaways for couples don’t work when you bring all your friends along! What better way to spend time together than on a deserted beach, loved-up in your own romantic den or booking into an exotic resort, where everything is catered and you’re the king and queen in your surroundings.

Balinese Retreat is a weekend getaway in Victoria that caters exclusively for couples. Only one couple can stay at a time, meaning that you get exclusive access to all resort amenities and grounds and enjoy complete seclusion.

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Mauris vel tortor accumsan, faucibus orci non, varius turpis. Aenean ac eros libero. Quisque quis sapien in ante scelerisque volutpat. Cras et libero iaculis, consequat nisi nec, tristique metus. Praesent eu odio in velit maximus accumsan vitae id lectus. Aenean ullamcorper vitae tortor vitae blandit. Nullam placerat eleifend metus, at tempus lacus suscipit non. Praesent in nunc sit amet orci dignissim mollis. Pellentesque elementum lacinia urna, sit amet scelerisque libero blandit vel. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent vel nunc orci. Suspendisse quis mauris sed ipsum lobortis semper id nec diam. Donec a porta nibh. Vivamus nibh metus, facilisis ut maximus eget, lobortis at erat. Nulla luctus nec eros ac vehicula. Nullam scelerisque laoreet lorem a sodales.

Integer convallis, odio ut rutrum euismod, mi purus pulvinar justo, quis mollis metus metus vitae nibh. Proin eget tincidunt arcu. Donec ante mi, elementum non adipiscing vitae, pharetra quis mauris. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur eget nibh non odio iaculis posuere. Sed ante tortor, pharetra vitae iaculis id, sodales ac tellus. Ut viverra, nulla et adipiscing condimentum, libero nisi condimentum tellus, vel pharetra neque ligula sit amet mi. Sed rutrum consectetur purus ac tincidunt.

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